So, while you are all locked up at home, Boris has been busy and has announced the next revolution for the UK is here . Get excited as the next revolution is green!
I am truly excited about this announcement! All of Boris’ 10 points are great initiatives and will, if successful, really put the UK ahead of the rest of the world with our green credentials … and we need to be ahead of the world, not only as a result of the Corona recovery, but the double whammy of Brexit. We need something to be proud of and celebrate so that we can attract the world to our door.
Boris has announced some new financial initiatives to help us with this green revolution. However, there needs to be massive investment if we are going to achieve anything like our aspirations. I am sincerely hoping that the UK will grasp this challenge and make it happen.
At Dalcour Maclaren we are already heavily involved with all aspects of the 10 point plan and are ready to do more as this revolution gathers momentum. The opportunities not only for going green, but also for benefits to the short and long term UK economy are immense and I hope that everybody positively embraces this direction of travel and the nay-sayers move to North Korea!
Up the Green Revolution!