Reflecting on 12 months of mandatory BNG requirements
It’s been one year since the introduction of mandatory Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG*) in England. Lexi Lloyd from Dalcour Maclaren’s Multidisciplinary BNG Group reflects on how DM has been supporting its clients in the utilities and infrastructure sectors over this period.
Our services and insights
At Dalcour Maclaren, we specialise in providing BNG services tailored to the unique needs of the utilities and infrastructure sectors. We offer an expert mix of ecologists, planners and land colleagues all working together to deliver a solution-led approach to delivering BNG.
Here are some key insights and challenges we have navigated over the past year:
1. Feasible routes for delivery
Utility and infrastructure assets often fall on land outside of our clients’ ownership and control, which poses challenges for securing on-site net gain and following the BNG hierarchy. In addition, committing to enhancements over a 30-year period within operational sites adds an extra layer of complexity. Where appropriate, we have supported clients in sourcing and purchasing off-site units, which has been the most viable and workable solution in each case.
2. Futureproofing
When BNG is required within and around operational sites, we ensure that future expansion needs are considered before committing an area to 30 years of management. All our projects use the Statutory Biodiversity Metric, which is a standardised tool used to measure biodiversity losses and gains resulting from development. By working closely with design teams, our ecologists can re-run the calculations for different layouts to ensure that quantifiable biodiversity improvements can be delivered that best suit the project in question.
3. Off-site habitat creation and enhancement
The costs and timescales associated with creating off-site habitats can be daunting and often disproportionate to the scale of the proposed development. We provide pragmatic advice to help our clients determine the best approach for their projects, which may include working with third parties to deliver the required net gain.

4. Strategic thinking
It has been encouraging to see many of our clients setting internal targets of no net loss or more than 10% even on Permitted Development proposals. We work with our clients to develop company-wide strategies, including identifying parcels of land to create internal habitat banks. These areas of land can be used to offset multiple developments of varying sizes, which can generate significant efficiencies and cost savings. However, when clients are assessing their own property portfolios, it is important that only the most appropriate land is used for off-site BNG, weighed up in tandem with other potential uses for that land.
5. Nationally Significant Infrastructure Projects (NSIPs)
We are closely monitoring further government guidance on BNG for Nationally Significant Infrastructure Projects. Across Dalcour Maclaren, we have significant experience delivering on NSIPs for land surveying, consents and geospatial location intelligence. Our Multidisciplinary BNG Group is looking forward to interpreting what this new BNG legislation will mean for our clients and providing workable, tailored solutions.
6. Helping realise BNG solutions
Reflecting on the past year, it is clear BNG has brought both challenges and opportunities for the utilities and infrastructure sectors. At Dalcour Maclaren, we are committed to providing expert advice and practical solutions to help our clients navigate these requirements and achieve sustainable development goals.
*Understanding BNG
Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) is a development approach that aims to leave the natural environment in a measurably better state than it was before. This involves creating or enhancing habitats to ensure that biodiversity is improved by development activities. The legislation states 10% net gain although some Local Authorities will demand a higher BNG.