Never before has connectivity been so fundamental to our lives. Just look at how vital it has been during the current lockdown to families, care workers, the NHS etc. A basic need delivering to so many in society
Improvement to our digital infrastructure has rightly been put at the centre of the Government’s domestic agenda. This will remain the case when we move into the ‘new normal’ and then beyond.
I’m proud that Dalcour Maclaren has continued to play its part in respect of major linear project delivery and fixed line networks including full fibre to the property (FTTP). We have consistently found that by working with ISP start-ups from inception we have been able to add most value. Why is this? Because this way we can assist in shaping the rollout of a network to ensure the consenting strategy is as good as it can be to support efficient and speedy fibre deployment .
We have specialist expertise through our teams of Surveyors and Field Officers throughout the UK who understand consenting and land rights. We have a wealth of experience in dealing with landowners, landlords and homeowners in rural and urban areas. We understand that consultation at an individual and community level is at the very heart of a good rollout strategy. This is why we work closely with clients across the country to deliver solutions, to identify, reference and establish contact with thousands of grantors across a project. Our innovative and cutting edge IT systems allow us to collate vast amounts of data, process it and provide bespoke virtual reporting to our clients. We also provide other support including project management and mapping services to deliver a fully joined-up fibre rollout plan with an efficient consenting process at its core.
To find out more about our telecom services or to discuss how we can support your business goals please contact our Telecoms Lead, John Wood FRICS or download our Telecoms Brochure.