At Dalcour Maclaren we are seeing lots of different ways of delivering utility and infrastructure projects, be that in-house or totally outsourced by clients – we have had involvement with it all.
Some larger infrastructure projects are totally outsourced with contractors being responsible not only for construction but dealing with all property matters from site assembly right through to compensation. It is an area that some contractors try to handle themselves which can lead to major issues not only financially, but also from a reputational perspective for both contractor and project promoter. It is therefore imperative that contractors choose wisely when considering the advisors that they wish to engage/partner with.
At Dalcour Maclaren, we have worked, and are working, on some of the biggest infrastructure projects the UK has seen. We are adding real value through our unique workforce and skill set that we have amassed throughout the company. Whether it be land referencing or site liaison through to complex compensation negotiations – we have got it covered. Not only do we have it covered, but we have a real focus on ensuring the best solution is achieved for the contractor and the promoter. Many of these projects will be unwanted by affected landowners. If you do not get the relationship right it will end with not only massive reputational damage but also huge potential costs to the project through delayed and protracted negotiations. At Dalcour Maclaren, we really focus on a firm but fair approach and have a workforce of highly skilled individuals able to build good working relationships with not only our clients but also the third parties affected by the projects.
Here are some examples of the types of issues we’re used to dealing with on behalf of contractors:

We are always happy to talk and explain our way of working to interested contractors, so please don’t hesitate to make contact to hear how we can benefit your project.
– James Neil