The world of Infrastructure development is a large and complicated one; it requires knowledge, understanding, and perseverance that Dalcour Maclaren has in spades.

Dalcour Maclaren is more than I realised

The world of Infrastructure development is a large and complicated one; it requires knowledge, understanding, and perseverance that Dalcour Maclaren has in spades. I joined Dalcour Maclaren at the beginning of 2021, having been a client previously. Despite this, I have found that the breadth, depth, variety, and scale of their involvement with major infrastructure projects is nothing short of astonishing!

Benefitting Projects

Whether you’ve dealt with Dalcour Maclaren directly or not, I guarantee you will have benefitted from the work we do. We act on projects covering the Power, Water, Telecoms and Transport sectors, applying our expertise in what makes a successful project, earnt through hundreds of thousands of hours of project planning, promotion, consultation, negotiation, and execution.

Our Expertise – Strategy

All good projects start with a clear strategy; this is no different if you build a nuclear power station, expand an airport, or reinforce the UK’s water network. But, unfortunately, projects can often look at land as an after-thought and hope it just will deliver itself – a critical error.

A good land and planning strategy is crucial in ensuring smooth project delivery, and this is where the Dalcour Maclaren value-added begins. Before a page is published or a habitat assessed, the land and planning strategy aims to set out the roadmap to success. It would be naive to believe this won’t be adapted over a project lifecycle, but as the analogy goes, it doesn’t matter how much horsepower you have; if you are pointing in the wrong direction, you will never reach your destination!

Our Expertise – Delivery

The team’s ability and experience are highlighted by our capacity to create a comprehensive land and planning strategy for projects and have the depth of expertise and resource to be able to implement it and communicate with the client, contractors, and stakeholders alike. This bank of experience and technical know-how ensures we positively impact all the projects we are involved in and look to achieve the clients’ objectives in the most efficient and effective way.

Find out More

I believe that Dalcour Maclaren’s contribution to major projects across the sector is something to be celebrated. Over the coming weeks, we will be showing you how Dalcour Maclaren deploy the very best people and innovative technology to achieve excellent results for our clients. Visit and follow #MajorProjects to see more!

Get in touch

Hugh Gilmour

Associate Director