Dalcour Maclaren have been instructed by DONG since 2011 to secure the onshore cable route for the offshore wind farm, which is located in Liverpool Bay. The green energy produced by the windfarm then connects to the National Grid via 11km of onshore underground electricity cables. The project requires a new substation close to the National Grid connection in North Wales.

Onshore cable route
- Advise on the route options for 11km of 220kV and 400kV electricity cables
- Contact and non-contact referencing and consultation
- Attendance at consultation events
- Gain voluntary consents from landowners and occupiers
- Agree compound areas along the route and at the client’s substation
- Negotiation of Option Agreements (both freehold and leasehold interests)
- Exercise notices of entry and held pre-entry meetings
- Secure all accesses
Compulsory purchase
- Provide specialist advice on the process of compulsory purchase to secure cable rights and to acquire rights for the substation
- Provide guidance and advice on the Statement of Reasons, Funding Statement, Book of Reference and Order Plans
- Draft Book of Reference and Order Plans
- Co-ordinate and issue all CPO documentation, including site notices
- Act as expert witness at Public Inquiry
- Undertake pre-entry schedules of condition
- Maintain budgetary records
- Ensure appropriate land reinstatement is undertaken
- Settling compensation claims for surveys access
- Settle payment of advance crop losses
Entry for works
- Co-ordinate access for numerous intrusive and non-intrusive surveys carried out to gather all geotechnical, ecological, drainage and archaeological information
- Dalcour Maclaren site presence during construction of the cable route
- Co-ordinating access with all landowners and occupiers
- Provision of an on-site Agricultural Liaison Officer (ALO) to maintain high standards and ensure appropriate consultation during construction
- Full project co-ordination with client, grantors and agents
- Post-construction snagging items
- Finalise any outstanding legal documentation
Project Information:
DONG Energy
North Wales