- 439 km of high voltage direct current cable connecting England and Wales with Scotland
- 36 km on-shore cables crossing the Wirral
- New converter station site acquired
DM Overall Project Aim: – To secure all required land rights to facilitate the installation of 2 direct current cables across the Wirral to a new converter station in North Wales. To support the CPO Process, negotiate with all stakeholders and deliver the required land and rights over land.

Risks & Constraints
- Not all voluntary agreements reached
- Common Land affected
- Time pressures
- Limited route options
CPO process used…
- In parallel with voluntary agreements
- To manage Common Land aspect
- To manage time pressures
- To reduce risk
Primary Activities
- Route feasibility
- Extensive consultations
- Coordinating access for surveys
- CPO Referencing & production of plans
- Making of the CPO
- Managing Objectors
- Attending Public Inquiry
- Implementing of the CPO
- Management during construction
- Negotiating Compensation Claims
Project Information:
How we helped
Access & Rights
The Wirral, Merseyside