Dalcour Maclaren’s Water Sector Lead, Sam Catling shares his views on the Water Industry’s latest PR review

The PR19 review shows that the water industry is heading in the right direction, and we are clearly working towards a common goal, to ensure the sustainable supply of water to an ever-expanding network, whilst providing the best possible service to end-users.

But has it gone far enough?

There is a lot of emphasis on keeping costs down for consumers, which this plan is likely to deliver very well, but with increasing pressure on the suppliers to maintain an excellent service, we are now faced with a challenge of delivering on that with a potential risk to project funding. Now more than ever, DM are working closely with water clients to find the most cost-effective ways of delivering capital and operational projects and upgrades, and we will continue to innovate and streamline processes to get the job done.

Having said that, for the Sector to really overcome the challenges it faces with water supply, more will be required of the next Price Review (PR24) to support the balancing of supply and demand, providing good value of money to consumers and remaining attractive proposition to investors, which the findings and comments in the CMAs final determination will assist greatly in achieving.

To find out more about what DM can do to assist your projects, please get in contact.

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Sam Catling

Associate Director