2021 is here! Unfortunately, Lockdown 3.0 is also here, as is the cold weather and America has gone bananas! Who would have thought this could be reality as it seems to be more of a rather crappy Saturday night movie!

My heart sank on the announcement of lockdown, as I am sure it did for many others. However, with the true British grit and determination, our teams have re-doubled their efforts to work around these really difficult times. There are some real positives ahead and we need to remember what they are and keep a focus on them. At Dalcour Maclaren we are fortunate; we are all really busy with so much to achieve for our clients over the coming year. We have developed new ways of working so that comms are improved; we can onboard new starters remotely yet effectively, and our client contact and comms and our training and development are better than ever.

It is amazing that we are still able to focus on the growth of our business and are looking for really good people to join the DM Team at all levels. Not only this, but we are also able to offer people who want to join Dalcour Maclaren an exceptional package and career opportunities as well as a really modern and different way of working.

The future is bright and we all need to make sure we focus on this as “everything will be okay”! The vaccination programme will happen, we will find our new “normal” and we will learn so much from these challenging times. My key message to my team is that communication is critical, so make the effort, pick up the phone and make sure you embrace the team spirit, wherever you are.

Get in touch

James Neil

Managing Director