Dalcour Maclaren takes its social responsibilities seriously and is committed to ensuring that we comply with the Modern Slavery Act 2015.

We seek to prevent slavery, human trafficking and child and forced labour in compliance with the
Modern Slavery Act 2015, by ensuring that all employees are paid more than the minimum wage and that we have undertaken robust immigration checks prior to confirming an individual’s employment with the Company.

We request that our sub-contractors and supply chain follow similar requirements and we identify any risk areas, if any and seek assurances from our suppliers that they comply with the Act.

We are a private limited company providing specialist consultancy advice and services to the Utility and Infrastructure sectors from eighteen regional offices across the United Kingdom.

We procure goods and services from a variety of suppliers. These include:
• Retail supplies such as office stationery and PPE
• Printing and Publishing
• IT support services
• Operations and infrastructure support
• Property related contractors and Tradesmen
• Accountancy and legal services

We recognise the risk of modern slavery in any supply chain and have policies and procedures in place to check our service providers. We operate an ISO 9001 certified Quality Management System which incorporates an Approved Contractor process, requiring all new contractors and suppliers to confirm key criteria and facts, and provide key documents before they can be approved for use. Those on the approved list are routinely checked to ensure they have relevant policies and procedures in place. We
use recruitment and employment policies and procedures which comply with UK law.

Dalcour Maclaren is committed to corporate social responsibility and continual improvement in the key areas of environmental impact, labour and human rights, ethics and sustainable procurement.
Given the nature of the work that we do, the type of the goods and services that we procure and the
predominant UK base of our operation, we judge our risk to be low, but will continue to focus on improving our policies and procedures so that any potential risk can be quickly identified.

This statement is made on behalf of Dalcour Maclaren and constitutes our slavery and human trafficking statement for the financial year 2024-2025.