Delivering an increase of 15% biodiversity net gain.
Dalcour Maclaren are currently providing Land agency services to support a Project Team to deliver bio-enhancements after the installation of a new sewer in Warwickshire.
The leading surveyor at DM has been working closely with ecologists, design engineers and contractors to understand what options are available for delivering an increase of 15% biodiversity net gain (BNG) post works.

DM have been involved in identifying suitable sites for BNG, advising on what agreements should be put in place and liaising with the affected golf course and hotel ground. It has been agreed that wildflower seed mix will be planted alongside the installation of bat and bird boxes, with the landowner expressing a preference for starling boxes as these would benefit the site the most.
The measures will deliver multiple benefits including providing a natural way of reducing damage done by leather jackets (crane fly larvae), to the golf course green. The wildflower seed mix will also contribute to the visual aesthetics of the hotel whilst attracting a variety of insects and pollinators.