Anyone who has flown in or out of Belfast City Airport will know the iconic site of Kilroot Power Station on the shore of Belfast Lough and in particular the 198 metre high chimney stack.
Kilroot is the only coal-fired power station operating in Northern Ireland, and once produced a third of the country’s electricity. A new cross-country pipeline is required to connect Kilroot PS to the Belfast Transmission Main as part of a larger project to convert the power station from coal to natural gas.
Dalcour Maclaren were instructed to:
- Advise on a Land Rights Strategy utilising Option Agreements to secure Deeds of Grant for Easements.
- Negotiate and acquire rights for 5km of 400mm Diameter cross country pipeline designed to operate at 85 bar.
- Negotiate terms for the purchase of a 1-acre site for an above ground installation.
- Advise on use and implementation of Statutory Powers.
- Submit the application to the Department for the Economy for a Necessary Wayleave
- Negotiate access routes for construction, providing Access Packs and pre-entry records of condition.
- Negotiate heads of claim for compensation in relation to loss of crop and agricultural reinstatement.

Key Facts
- Carrickfergus, County Antrim, Northern Ireland
- 3km of pipeline
- 5 landowners
- Rationale for pipeline – conversation from dual coal (primary) oil (secondary) fired plant to gas to reduce carbon emissions
Progress to date
- All landowner consent secured
- Top soil stripped
- Pipeline ditched and buried
- Post con land drainage being finalised and installed pre hydro testing
- Reinstatement to follow later this year
Assisted by favourable weather conditions this is a great example of care being taken to look after the land to minimise the impact of disturbance to soil structures.
Northern Ireland
How we helped
Land Rights Strategies & Compensation Advice
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Matthew Ducker
Since joining Dalcour Maclaren in 2013, Matthew has advised and represented a range of clients throughout the UK in relation to NW applications in respect of electricity and gas assets.