The future is all about our people. In their own words they tell us about their roles and experiences at DM.
Which Office are you located? Bicester.
How long have you been working at Dalcour Maclaren? Nearly four years.
What sector/ job role do you work in? Senior surveyor in the Water Team.
What does your role involve? Advising clients on a variety of private land matters, working with them to deliver projects including; new water mains, upgrading existing assets and more recently working with clients to ensure networks are resilient during and after the construction of HS2. I am also a line manager to a fab team and have the opportunity to get involved with other areas of the business aside from surveying.
What attracted you to DM? The people were lovely and I was intrigued by the different work to traditional land agents.
What does the DM Way mean to you? The background to everything we do and how we do it, no matter what the different roles people at DM have we are all like-minded and I think the DM way is a huge factor behind that.
How did you find the onboarding process at DM?

What do you understand the Future Delivered to mean? Being market leaders who are ahead of the curve and deliver what we are asked to (and more!)